FF Geo

The simplest solution for an
environmentally sustainable future.

Absorbent membranes are among the simplest and most effective systems for recovering the supernatant inside piezometers and wells. Traditionally, selective absorbent socks are inserted into a stainless steel cage lowered into the piezometer to function as a simplified "skimmer." Test1, a company operating in Oil Spill Response, has applied its patented FoamFlex200 material inside the traditional absorbent membranes. This has enabled the development of highly performant and reusable absorbent membranes.

Technical Characteristics Oil absorption capacity up to 12 times its own weight. Hydrocarbon absorption performance increased up to 3.5 times compared to traditional membranes.

High saturation speed (estimable even in a few minutes) and consequent rapid reduction of the present supernatant.

Reduction of water recovery up to 95% compared to traditional membranes. In the presence of a supernatant greater than 40 cm, it is possible to achieve water absorption equal to 0 g/g.

Reusable: FoamFlex-Geo membranes can be squeezed (using a specific machine) and reused up to 10 times.

Reduction of the supernatant thickness to 0 cm in a few steps.

Reduction of solid and liquid waste generated and consequent reduction of economic and environmental costs.

Replacement of the Bailer. Remediation through Bailer generates high amounts of liquid waste, predominantly composed of H2O. For example, in the presence of 2 cm of supernatant, 15/20 passes through the Bailer may be necessary, generating liquid waste at each pass. The FoamFlex-Geo membrane performs the same function as the Bailer in a single pass, with very limited water recovery.

Le membrane assorbenti sono tra i sistemi più semplici ed efficaci per il recupero del surnatante all’interno dei piezometri e pozzi.
Tradizionalmente le calze assorbenti selettive sono inserite all’interno di una gabbia di acciaio inox calata all’interno del piezometro per funzionare come uno “skimmer” semplificato.
Test1, società operante nell’Oil Spill Response, ha applicato il proprio materiale brevettato FoamFlex200 all’interno delle tradizionali membrane assorbenti. Questo ha consentito lo sviluppo di membrane assorbenti altamente performanti e riutilizzabili.

Caratteristiche Tecniche

Capacità di assorbimento dell’olio fino a 12 volte il proprio peso. Performance di assorbimento degli idrocarburi incrementate fino a 3.5 volte rispetto alle membrane tradizionali.

Elevata velocità di saturazione (stimabile anche in pochi minuti) e conseguente rapida riduzione del surnatante presente.

Riduzione del recupero di acqua fino al 95% rispetto alle membrane tradizionali. In presenza di surnatante superiore a 40 cm è possibile raggiungere assorbimento di acqua pari a 0 g/g.

Riutilizzabile: le membrane FoamFlex-Geo possono essere strizzate (tramite apposito macchinario) e riutilizzate fino a 10 volte.

Riduzione dello spessore del surnatante sino a 0 cm in pochi passaggi.

Riduzione dei rifiuti solidi e liquidi generati e conseguente riduzione dei costi economici ed ambientali.

Sostituzione del Bailer. La bonifica tramite Bailer genera elevate quantità di rifiuto liquido, prevalentemente composto da H20. In presenza, ad esempio, di 2 cm di surnatante, possono essere necessari anche 15/20 passaggi tramite Bailer, generando ad ogni passaggio rifiuto liquido. La membrana FoamFlex-Geo svolge la stessa funzione del Bailer in un unico passaggio, con recupero di acqua molto limitato.

Test in laboratorio

Test in condizioni reali

Comparison Bailer and FoamFlex-Geo

In the graphs on the left, the comparison is shown for reduction, with the bailer method and with FoamFlex-Geo, starting from a supernatant of 41 centimeters. In the first comparison, it is highlighted that to achieve the complete reduction of the supernatant, 19 passes are necessary compared to 3 of FoamFlex-Geo. The drastic reduction in the number of passes significantly reduces the necessary intervention time. Another difference compared to the Bailer is related to the amount of liquid collected: using FoamFlex-Geo, about 0.9 ml of liquid waste was collected; for the bailer, about 19 liters of liquid waste was collected. Replacing the bailer with FoamFlex-Geo can drastically reduce liquid waste, providing both economic and environmental benefits.

Geo Squeezing

The special FF-Wring GEO squeezing apparatus maximizes the life of FoamFlex200-Geo by allowing prolonged reuse of the membrane and a consequent reduction of solid waste generated. The overall weight of FF-Wring GEO allows for easy transport and manual placement, the device is encapsulated to prevent splashes and soil spills. It is equipped with a removable and replaceable container that simplifies the collection and storage of the absorbed liquid.

Dalla teoria alla pratica: Case History