We sea the difference.
T1 Solutions wants to protect the environment with greater concern for the marine ecosystem, through the pre-vention and control of oil spills occurring in water through the use of its innovative FoamFlex product.
T1 Solutions aims to reduce the carbon footprint of production activities by promoting more sus-tainable practices and investing in innovative technologies, such as FoamFlex, that reduce envi-ronmental impact by introducing circular solutions.
T1 Solutions wants to contribute to a cleaner and more sustainable future by combining environmental pro-tection and the well-being of the communities in which it operates with growth and economic sustainability.
T1 Solutions
T1 Solutions effort is to use the innovative solution, FoamFlex, to also improve the carbon footprint of produc-tion activities, in different sectors, by promoting more sustainable practices and investing in inno-vative technologies that reduce environmental impact by introducing circular solutions for oil spill recovery.
FoamFlex a know-how
of infinite solutions

FoamFlex retains constant performance each time it is reused.

The product’s effectiveness has been demonstrated under all weather conditions. When there are rough seas, the waves’ kinetics improve the material’s absorption. FoamFlex can be left in the water for days and recovered when the weather conditions improve, thanks to its ability to retain the spilled hydrocarbons.

The estimated time for saturation is just a few minutes. This allows to reclaim areas polluted by oil spills in a short time.FoamFlex retains constant performance each time it is reused.

The product’s effectiveness has been demonstrated under real conditions, even for high-density oils (e.s. IFO380)